I've had a lot of celebrities parading through my dreams lately. George Clooney was off-camera at one point. Robert Pattinson appeared in another dream and I sat there reciting Russell Brand's comedy into his face.
Last night was quite a cavalcade of stars. It started out with Henry Cavill, the English actor known for "The Tudors" and "Man of Steel." An unidentifiable friend of mine was interviewing him from the comfort of our sleazy motel room as we all crowded onto the same twin bed. Henry didn't know what exactly the "UK" was, and I began to berate his parents for spending so much money on his education. Cut to a later scene where I'm at Henry's wedding reception...to himself. I do not think wedding means what you think it means, Henry. Anyway, the wedding vittles were delicious.
The scene changed and I was suddenly at some sort of conference, like Comic-Con without all the costumes. I got very excited when I spotted UK chat show host Graham Norton making his way through the crowd. Alas, I didn't get to speak to him; he was moving too fast.
And finally, what I consider to be the big kahuna of celebrity cameos: Russell Brand. I was sitting quietly, watching him try to get a blonde woman drunk. She'd already had three shots of Jameson, but I encouraged her to go up to ten as I liked to do. Another blonde came and sat down and I watched Russell interacting with the women, remaining as a silent observer the entire time. Who knows where the rest of the dream would lead?
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